The past year has put all of us in a situation that requires a change in the approach to doing business and the application of special security and communication measures. All this to maintain relationships with customers and business partners developed over the years. This is probably not the end of the transformation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, but as an organizer of meetings, we are aware of the constantly growing need for face-to-face contact and discussion. That is why we decided to organize this year’s meeting for the biofuels and biocomponents industry.
The Polish Chamber of Biofuels has established cooperation with Information Market SA, the aim of which is to organize two related conferences that have become a permanent fixture in the calendar of industry events. Thanks to the agreement, most of the participants of these events so far will be able to participate in them in one place and at the same time. The conference will be conducted in Polish. The organizer provides simultaneous translation into English of all presentations during the conference and enables the purchase of on-line streaming access.
We encourage you to book in your calendars the date of September 22-23th, 2021 and register for participation in the 10th Annual Conference of the Polish Chamber of Biofuels and the 14th Fuel Industry Meeting – Polish Biofuels Market, which will be held in Crakow, Poland.